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The Boy and the Mountain

Santiago Aguilera, Gabriel Monreal / Chile (11'23'')

Hernán is a child who likes to daydreaming, but in his studies he is not doing well at all. His father constantly urges him to improve, advising him that he must reach very high to succeed in life. Hernán dispenses with his dream, gradually forgetting it to devote himself to his studies. Over time, and already become a successful entrepreneur, Hernán achieves the dream that his father instilled in him, reach high, until one day he will realize that he has not really achieved something he always longed for. Then he will make the crucial decision to fulfill his dream, but fate will play tricks on him. Hernán will have to face a new challenge that will change the meaning of his life.

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Sophie and Jacob

Max Shoham / Canada (8'49'')

Inspired by the true story of a family, and finding home, no matter the circumstance. Sometimes home cannot be a place, and becomes simply a memory, a mindset.


Silent space

Mariia Konopatova / Russia (9')

"Silent Space" is a wordless story about a man from the world of the future. He is fed up with his job, people and ads around him and dreams of running off to the ends of the Earth... Or deep into space, as he actually does. Is there anything to interrupt his solitude and get him back to Earth?

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Lost & Found

Andrew Goldsmith, Bradley Slabe / Australia (7'43'')

A clumsy crochet dinosaur must completely unravel itself to save the love of its life.

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Song Sparrow

Farzaneh Omidvarnia /
Islamic Republic of Iran (11'36'')

A group of refugees tries to reach a safe country in search for a better life. They pay a smuggler to bring them across the borders in a fridge truck. However, the freezing temperature of the truck turns their hopes for a better future into a fierce struggle for survival.

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