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Andaras 2020 Best Narrative Short - Stic

Brilliant dark comedy, in which the main character will try to prove that he is ready to do anything to see his daughter's performance, at the end of what will be an incredible day of madness.  The sticker, which seems to be the easiest thing to get for a citizen who wants to satisfy some administrative requests from the competent authorities, will create a series of real misadventures on the edge between surreal and grotesque; hilarious and always snatching a laugh with a bitter aftertaste for the viewer who will end up sympathizing for poor Dejan, who will have to suffer more than just a little!


For the ability to keep us glued to the screen, to get a bittersweet laugh and to remind us that even simple things can turn into very complicated adventures, the prize for the best narrative short goes to STICKER, by Georgi Unkovski.

Andaras 2020 Best Docu-Short - 12000km.j

With an original subject and direction, ironic and rhythmic editing, the film documents a journey of a group of skiers from Stockholm to Japan, telling a story sometimes epic and at times humorous, with a cinematic look that gives dignity and dynamism to the genre of documentary.


For this reason, the jury unanimously decided to award the Docu-Short category prize to the film 12,000 km documentary by Erik Nylander.

Andaras 2020 Best Super short - Big Esca

For the ability to build in just over a minute, with increasing tension, a classic heist movie story, which then ends with an unexpected and very successful twist, transforming the storytelling and the very nature of the film, for the Super Shorts category the winner is THE BIG ESCAPE.

Andaras 2020 Best Gazes from the world -

We decided to give the Gazes from the world award to "Fuego", by Vladimir Bodiroga, in particular for the strength of the images.  A sharp and powerful photography conveys to the viewer landscapes and faces of the ancient Mayan lands, intertwining them with a religiosity evolved from the natural elements - water, earth and above all fire - to Christianity and the "only Savior".  It's a travel through time, rather than space, marked by terror and adoration of the Fuego volcano, which erupted again two months after the shooting of these spectacular images.

Andaras 2020 Best jury Award - Apollo 18

For the ability to bring us back into the mechanics of playing and the fascination for adventure that  we all felt as children, combining that feeling with the one of an unexpected meeting with a person who has made an equally complex journey, long and decisive for the lives of those who do so, like the one who migrants, the Special Jury Prize goes to APOLLO 18.

Andaras 2020 Special Andaras award - sup

For the ability to involve us and make us feel at their side in this crazy adventure.  From the frost of the Kyrgyzstan up to 32 degrees of Vietnam, it's easy to get attached to Tobias and Matthias's crazy enterprise.  Their 13,000 kilometers by bike, the sense of adventure that led them to retrace the Silk Road braving hostile climates and exhausting rides, deserve with the unanimous opinion of the jury  the Andaras special prize.


Super Eastbound Bros. is the journey that all of us would have liked to have done at least once in our life.

Andaras 2020 Special Mention - Ausonia.j

For the ability to take us into a world of sensations, memories and suggestions.  For being able to do it with an experimental language, fresh and never banal.  For having accompanied us on a journey through time, through sounds and images that seem to re-emerge with delicate force from the places of memory.


For these reasons, we are happy to give a special mention to Giulia and Elisa for their Ausonia.

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