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The Guests of the Third Edition of the Andaras Traveling Film Festival



Shobha is a well known international photographer from Palermo, winner of many awards, among which stands out a double “World Press Photo” prize. Her life and her activity has been divided between Italy and India for many years, and in India she runs a photography center since 2007, the “Mother India School”, that she started. The activities of the school are mainly dedicated to female universe and they give voice, through their stories, to brave women that fight for a real change.

From “Mother India School” website: “Life is not a travel. It isn’t a destination, it’s a process. You arrive step by step. And if every step is wonderful, if every step is magic, so it will also be your life.”

Her photographic history is one with her focus on social issues, and her full immersion in the universe of the last is one with her way of life. 

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Michael Marchi

Director of

Sociolinguist, specialised in editorial design, after a short period in “Slow Food Editore”, she found her path in the communication team for Slow Food Italy. After she paid her dues, she specialized in digital communication. Now, she runs the editorial staff of, she studies, she plans and she lead the social channel of Slow Food Italy (but don’t you dare call her social media manager!), she represents Italy in Slow Food’s international campaigns and she deals with communication for Slow Food Travel. Fine eater, ice-cream expert, she is a proud supporter of agro-ecology and passionate about natural wines, that she would like to drink to excess, but you know, with age is not recommended!

Native of Barbagia, she travels as she could, and she brings Sardinia always with her, in her thoughts, in her ways, and in her accent.

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Enrico Pintore


Enrica Pintore was born in Nuoro in 1985, but she grew up in Ottana, a small village in the province. She moved to Roma to attend acting school “Il Cantiere Teatrale” under the direction of the actress Paola Tiziana Cruciani. 

Her very furst debut was in 2011 when she joined the cast of the movie “10 regole per farla innamorare” with Guglielmo Scilla and Vincenzo Salemme.

She played roles in “Centovetrine”, “Un medico in famiglia 10”, Disney’s series “Alex&co”, “Don Matteo 11”, “Il Paradiso delle Signore” and in the TV movie “Enrico Piaggio - Un sogno italiano” by Umberto Marino.

She starred in the film “Il ragazzo della Giudecca” (2016) based on the book, with Farnco Nero, Luigi Diberti, Giancarlo Giannini and Tony Sperandeo, and in “Oltre la bufera” inspired by the life of Don Giovanni Minzoni. Produced and distributed by Controluce Produzione, the film was presented at Rome Film Festival in October 2019, and shortly after it was released. For a few years now, she host the Hbbtv Awards in Rome and the European Digital Forum in Lucca, event dedicated to development and innovation in digital interactive TV. 

From 2019 she is testimonial of Fondazione Pangea Onlus.

Pangea Onlus Foundation

Fondazione Pangea Onlus works in Italy, Afghanistan and India with all women that have suffered violence and discrimination to help them start a new life, becoming source of wealth for themselves and their families.

The work of Pangea is based on Listening, Hospitality and Support, to help women rebuild their project of life e star from themselves. The approach is to “do it together”, building a mutual trust and respect, creating a personal, familiar and social transformation that last in time.

Nicholas Baraglia


He was born in 1983 in Iglesias, and since he was young he felt the need to express through images. 

His first step towards the cinema is definitely the master’s degree in restoration of films and “home movies”. 

Later, he specialized in Cinema, TV and New Media at IULM University in Milan. He started to work with the most important national media, traveling around the world and working in photography for many docu-stories.

His work doesn’t stop to documentary, but he tell about art, design and the subject of work in different forms. 

His personal story brings him an attentive and sensitive gaze, empathetic with faces and with the “invisible’s” stories, the common people.

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Frederick Jeremicca


He started in Naples on the editorial board of l'Unita', back in 1976. In 1983 he was called in Rome by Emanuele Macaluso, who was director of the PCI's newspaper back then. in 1990 he moves to Repubblica, where he became head of the political editorial board, to then move again - seven years later- to Palermo to lead the newborn Sicilian edition. At the end of 1999 he was called by La Stampa to become vice director and head of the editorial board in Rome. Nowadays he's still one of the columnist of the newspaper.

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Matthew Incollu

Filmmaker and Screenwriter

Sardinian director and author, he was born in Baunei on 17th March 1981. 

In 2007 he was assistant director for “Sonetaula” by Salvatore Mereu; his collaboration with the Sardinian director continued for “Bellas Mariposas” (Ita, 2012) and in short films “Transumanza” (Ita 2013) and “Scegliere per Crescere” (Ita 2015). 

In 2015 he wrote and directed the short film “Disco Volante”, winner of “Best Film” award in Visioni Sarde competition. In 2017 he directed the short film “Coins”, and in 2018 another short film “Male Fadàu”, currently on screen.

Happy Montervino


He trained from a young age at Riverrun Theatre in Cagliari, woth Rino Sudano anda Elio Turnoa Arthemalle. He continued his studies specialising at “Teatro Stabile della Sardegna” under the direction of Veronica Cruciani and Kevin Crewford. Later, he moved to Milan and participated to “Laboratorio Permanente di Formazione Attori” with the A.T.I.R. company and then he attended “Repertorio” Permanent School for High Training for resident artists, led by Danio Manfredini at Corte Ospitale of Rubiera. 

Actor and performer, he worked with permanent theaters and independent companies for many directors: Rino Sudano, Orlando Forioso, LucidoSottile, Alessandro Serra/Compagnia TeatroPersona, Veronica Cruciani, Serena Sinigaglia, Paolo Magelli, Compagnia Umberto Orsini. He played roles in theater productions, in Italy and abroad: “Il Calapranzi”; “Il Ballo delle Anime”; “Holy Peep Show”; “Macbettu” (Premio UBU 2017 - Miglior Spettacolo); “Il Giardino dei Ciliegi”. 

In these past years, he worked as actor for music videos, audiobooks, commercials, short and long films:“L’incolore Tazaki Tsukuru e i suoi anni di pellegrinaggio” by H.Murakami, directed by A.Toscano e V.Vannicola; Vodafone Commercial; web&Tv Commercial; “Sinuaria” by R. Carta; “L’Ospite” by N.Caponio e S.Latini; “Male Fadau” by M.Incollu; “Figlia mia” by L.Bispuri; “Il Muto di Gallura” by Matteo Fresi.

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