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The flying donkey
Marco Piantoni / Italy (20')
During the presidential elections in Mauritania, held in 2019, the political leader Biram Dah Abeid, with the support of his people, is fighting to eliminate the scourge of slavery in his country.

Olga Prud'Homme / France (11')
September 2017, Burma’s Rohingya minority is the victim of an ethnic cleansing. In a few months one million refugees settle in the camps of Kutupalong, South Bangladesh. I went there to collect the stories of refugee women, victims of sexual violence. Their testimonies are screams: these women need to be heard.

Pablo Hernán Aulita / Argentina (30')
Jean Maggi, shortly after birth, contracted a disease for which he could never walk. Since then only one thing has been proposed: to exceed every limit for “live standing." When he reached the highest route in the Himalayas with his adapted bicycle, he marked a true world landmark.

Juan Trueba / Spain (13')
You are fourteen years old. You leave your house alone and without money. You cross a border by boat or on the underside of a truck. You arrive in a country where they don't speak your language, you can't understand them. They hate you. Why? Shit happens.